Wednesday, December 23, 2015


獅子們請分享讓人了解你們,善用分享標註身邊的獅子。達人秀合作頻道: 鍾揚【秀出你的代表作】►你將有機會獲得百萬曝光,成為下一個網路傳奇 #影音 #達人秀合作頻道 #鍾揚 #投稿入選
Posted by 台灣達人秀 on Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Healthy Recipes

Came across a very useful website which shares healthy recipes categorized by your needs!!

I just wish I have some time to try out some of the dishes. Will try

No doubt, the one which caught my interest.


Lately tummyaches have been very prone after meals....not to mention my IBS......sigh....

Enjoy!  Let's all stay healthy together!!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Life of a shortie

THIS IS SO FUNNY! YES, and TOTALLY Meeeeeee! #shortielife #whocanunderstandme :P

15 Struggles Only The Shorties Out There Can (Unfortunately) Relate To

Posted Jul 16, by Christen Grumstrup
Sometimes...being short...really sucks. 

1. You're always looking up:

Which, isn't a terrible thing...but sometimes gets annoying. We feel for you Kim, really. 

2. Mirrors become a real issue:

3. When your friends are really tall:


4. Laundry becomes an issue:
Every time. 

5. Long skirts become long dresses:

Perks of being short. Sometimes. 

6. It becomes your excuse for almost everything:


7. Half the world is out of your site:

Twitter: @Sam_Halliday
Preach it, Nicole. 

8. What you eat even becomes an issue:

Top row? No way. 

9. Surrounded by tall people:

Just makes you feel so, so small. 

10. Trying to get into the group circle:

11. Moving the seat way up or using a pillow is totally necessary when driving:


12. When someone feels they can use your head as an arm rest:


13. Countertops become the floor:

14. Jeans are always too long:
Struggle for life.

15. Sitting on tall chairs becomes the most difficult task:

Just act casual.

H/T WittyFeed