Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hit & Run, TAI CHI movie reviews

Hope this review didnt come too late.

Movie title: Hit And Run
Ratings: 2.7/5
Comments: I was interested to catch this as it was advertised as being from the same producers of "Wedding Crashers" which is a flick which I enjoy very much. But I had a hugeeee disappointment. There were times during the movie that I felt like leaving the theater. Arrgghhh! It was terrible, especially during the beginning. I have NEVER seen a show with so MUCH dialogue, not to mention super boring cum meaningless ones. However, what puzzled me very very much was that there were some scenes which were actually not bad; coupled with actions, abit of thrill here and there etc. It was as if there were 2 directors directing the show, 2 directors with TOTALLY different style. And surprise~~~ Indeed, there are 2 different directors directing this show!! *faints* It's a mix and match; (more)miss and hit...averaging the ratings.

Movie title: TAI CHI
Ratings: 4/5
Comments: I think Fung, the director has so much to thank towards Sammo, the action director, who was simply terrific! What's up with all the cartoony etc? Still young ah? ZzzZzz Spoilt such a nice movie. I know Fung is trying to be need through this way lowers the standard of a good movie and gives a juvenile feel which is extremely mismatching for the plot. It's quite a nice plot. Still looking forward to part 2....but can pleaseeeee stop all the cartoony stuff~ 

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